I have just come across My blog while browsing the Internet. Wow i can believe it has been 6 years since my last post. A lot has changed. My eldest son (now 30) was married in August 2014 and they became parents late July 2018. This is my little grandson Colten. He is the love of my life, its so beautiful watching him grow. Learning to talk and laugh he is such a little character.
My middle Son is living away from home and is now 25 years old is just recovering from a motor bike accident in October last year. His left knee was shattered into 4 large pieces and many other small fragments. The surgeon has had to put many pins and wires put into the knee to hold it together. He is doing much better and is about to start working again with light duties.
My youngest Daughter (now 24) moved to Sydney a couple of years back for work and stayed for 18 months. She has now been back home for just over a year and is now doing a Wildlife/Vet course.
I have been on a journey myself to improve my health. As a result i have lost over 70kg in weight through healthy eating and exercise. The outcome of doing this has landed me a part time Management position at a local Takeaway shop. I have been here now for 3.5 years, i am also now the business finance manage and bookkeeper. I have since closed off my online business to concentrate on the local business that i co-run, as i couldn't find a balance between the two.
I still live in the same home, still have my ducks (the same ones) and chickens and have this summer got the vege garden up and running again. Life became very busy for a while so i was not growing the veges or making everything homemade like i was but the past few months i have been working towards a more simple way of living again. Im now back into cooking from scratch again and meal prep which helps me be in control of what i eat especially working at night 4 days per week.
We have also had some medical issues with my Husband and late last year was diagnosed with an auto immune disease. He now has several visits per year to a specialist for reviews and MRI scans which he is trooper and handles well. He is not handling the heat well with this Summer being long and hot but it is part of what the future hold for him and hopefully his condition can be slowed and controlled with the meds he is taking. He has another review next week so we will know more then.
So yes a lot of things have changed in the past 6 years and im glad to have found my old blog and look back at how simple life was then. I hope to be able to update it more often.
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